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Angel Readings

Your Intimate Angel Reading: Archangel Ambriel

Archangel Ambriel has an important message for you. I have a very deep feeling that this one will resonate with you... Why? Well, Ambriel delivers the message of uncovering your divine truth. If you’ve been feeling called to develop something like a project, a relationship, or even add more aspects to your daily spiritual rituals, […]

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Your Intimate Angel Reading: Archangel Hamaliel

Right now Archangel Hamaliel is here to balance your overflowing emotions. Have you been feeling too emotional right now? As if you can’t see the whole picture clearly because your feelings keep blurring your vision? It’s okay to be in tune emotionally... But Archangel Hamaliel encourages you to tap into your logical mind right now […]

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Your Intimate Angel Reading: Archangel Barchiel

I am so excited to share with you that bountiful blessings are on their way to you! If you’ve been feeling particularly lucky lately, it’s because Archangel Barchiel is fluttering nearby, the angel of blessings from God. How amazing is that?! Archangel Barchiel is actually the angel associated with the zodiac sign Pisces, which is […]

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Your Intimate Angel Reading: Archangel Zachriel

I am receiving a message that it’s time to stop numbing yourself and escaping from your reality right now... If anything, this is the best time to revisit your past and integrate your experiences so that you can create a better future. Archangel Zachriel is with you right now and wants you to know that […]

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Your Intimate Angel Reading: Archangel Azrael

The Archangel Azrael is showing up for you today. He is known as the ‘benevolent transformer of mental and emotional anxieties’ and one of the most healing of all of the angels. Azrael’s call means you might be dealing with loss, stress, worry, or other issues. Azrael shows us there is a way to find […]

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Your Intimate Angel Reading: Archangel Matariel

When was the last time you felt fresh and revitalized? I can sense that it’s been a while which is probably why Archangel Matariel is showing up for you right now... When Archangel Matariel makes an appearance in your life, this is no small gesture. As the holy celestial being that rules over rain and […]

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Your Intimate Angel Reading: Archangel Dumah

Archangel Dumah has an important message for you. The funny part about it is that you probably won’t hear this message, you’ll probably feel it more than anything. Why? Well, Archangel Dumah is the angel of silence. If you’ve been feeling called to retreat into hermit mode, this is Archangel Dumah encouraging you to rest […]

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Your Intimate Angel Reading: Archangel Barbiel

Right now Archangel Barbiel is here to convert difficult feelings into genuine compassion for yourself and others. Are you ready? Are you open to it? If you hesitated, it’s okay... That is expected. Our human experience doesn’t necessarily promote transmutation of these negative emotions -- our society usually promotes becoming stagnant there. We’re taught that […]

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Your Intimate Angel Reading: Archangel Muriel

Do you smell that sweet aroma in the air? This floral scent is usually present when the “perfume of God,” or Archangel Muriel is present. If you don’t smell anything, that’s okay. You’re on the path of developing your psychic senses, which is why Archangel Muriel has shown up to assist you on this new […]

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Your Intimate Angel Reading: Archangel Camael

I am receiving a message that you must stay in your lane right now! Archangel Camael is with you right now and wants you to know that if you’re feeling vengeful or if someone has done you wrong, you are not to act out of character. You see, Archangel Camael’s name holds so much power. […]

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Your Intimate Angel Reading: Archangel Seraphiel

Oh wow! I can feel a surge of passion, love, and fiery energy surrounding you! Have you been feeling this wave of light surrounding you as well? If those fiery feelings haven’t hit you just yet, be prepared because a new initiation to the next level of your life is on the way. And don’t […]

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Your Intimate Angel Reading: Archangel Chamuel

You are being tapped on the shoulder by the angel of self-love! Archangel Chamuel is saying “it’s time to take the care and feeding of your body and soul seriously. By accessing that deep well of love within, you can share it with others.” How many times do you find yourself making sure everyone else […]

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Your Intimate Angel Reading: Archangel Ariel

When I was channeling energy today, I felt the strong presence of an angel with an urgent message. It took me a minute to recognize the energy before it realized it was Ariel. I don’t hear from Ariel very often, but when I do, it’s always because there is an urgent message for me or […]

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Your Intimate Angel Reading: Archangel Jeremiel

Are your dreams telling you something lately? Sometimes our subconscious will use our time in the dream realm to help us connect and go through our days, create solutions to problems we’re facing, or review the lessons we need to be learning right now. The Archangel Jeremiel helps us understand how to apply our dreams […]

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Your Intimate Angel Reading: Archangel Sandalphon

Your prayers are being heard! The Archangel Sandalphon is with you right now and wants you to know the Universe is listening to your prayers and your requests. Sandalphon is the angel who acts as a conduit between heaven and earth for us. He helps us interpret what we want and what we need, as […]

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Your Intimate Angel Reading: Archangel Uriel

Oh wow! I can feel that you are getting many downloads in your dreams right now! Have you started noticing that your dreams are showing up differently? Are you getting random ideas or even insights and solutions to problems you’re dealing with in your life? The Archangel Uriel is wrapping you in his angel wings […]

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Your Intimate Angel Reading: Archangel Zadkiel

Right now you are being asked to let go of negative emotions. The wise and compassionate Archangel Zadkiel is asking you to look at any long-held anger and the places in your life where you’ve been letting yourself feel like a victim. When we allow what’s happening outside of us to affect our inner well-being, […]

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Your Intimate Angel Reading: Archangel Raziel

Wow! The life lessons are piling up for you lately for you! The Archangel Raziel is sharing some deep wisdom with me that I know is for you. Raziel is like a wise old wizard who helps each of us turn knowledge (what you’ve experienced or learned) into wisdom (what you can apply to your […]

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Your Intimate Angel Reading: Archangel Gabriel

If there’s a place you’ve been wanting to share your talents but are hesitating, it’s time to call upon Gabriel to assist you! You don’t have to do it all yourself! Archangel Gabriel is like having a motivational coach around you to guide you in any opportunity you’re taking on. Years ago as I was […]

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Your Intimate Angel Reading: Archangel Raguel

Have you been struggling with certain relationships recently? I’m being guided to gently remind you of the presence of Archangel Raguel and let you know he is waiting patiently to assist and support you when your relationships are feeling rocky. Raguel is known for healing arguments or misunderstandings and part of his focus is even […]

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Your Intimate Angel Reading: Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael has an important message for you. Have you been feeling his presence lately? Michael is like the best big brother you could ever hope for and one of the most well-known of all the archangels. His job is to have our backs and he’s the ultimate protector. Right now, Michael is tasking you […]

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Your Intimate Angel Reading: Archangel Haniel

A message came to me today and I knew it was meant for you. The Archangel Haniel is calling to you with the message that it’s time to increase your spiritual gifts and awareness. have you been feeling more sensitive? More emotional? These are angelic signs that Haniel is present around you at this time! […]

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Your Intimate Angel Reading: Archangel Raphael

Right now Archangel Raphael is reaching out to offer you his ethereal healing and guidance. Are you ready? Are you open to it? If you have been feeling stressed out or dealing with physical issues, Raphael’s angelic energy is encircling you now to help you through this time. Raphael is an angel of healing whose […]

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Your Intimate Angel Reading: Archangel Metatron

Have you been asking for help getting unstuck lately? The angel Metatron has answered your call and is ready to support you in moving forward. His message for you, comes at a time when you have been asking for the extra energy to move forward on a project or idea, but have found yourself stuck […]

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