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January 1, 2022 - Your Daily Divine Guidance Reading

Hello, and Happy New Year! 

I hope this message finds you well, and ready to embrace a whole new cycle. It’s been a pleasure guiding you through the tumultuous 2021, and I’m looking forward to offering you AstroTarot insights throughout this new year!

Astrological Energy Shift: Sun trine Uranus - January 1, 2022 - January 8, 2022

There’s quite a lot going on in the skies above, but let’s focus on the big hitter - namely, sun trine Uranus. This is quite an easy aspect, as trines represent energy that flows fluidly between two planets. However, it must be noted that Uranus is still hanging out in Taurus, a sign where it’s considered to be in fall, or weakened. And to add to this is the fact that the planet is still in retrograde, to boot. These aspects can lead to some pretty unpleasant surprises in your personal life. But, the sun has come to save the day…

When the sun trines a planet, it infuses it with a wealth of energy. Also, trines happen to represent the merging together of two matching elements. In this case, it’s earth (Capricorn) trine earth (Taurus). Therefore, there’s a lot of grounding going on at this moment of time. Although Uranus is very electric and shocking by nature, when it’s dwelling in an earth element AND going retrograde, it tends to back down a bit. 

With the sun making a positive aspect to the famously-unconventional planet, you may find that new and exciting ideas flow to you easily, dear. Marching to the beat of your own drum is tempting at this time, and going against what’s proper and traditional is the name of the game. 

It should be mentioned that around 3pm Pacific today, the moon leaves Sagittarius to enter Capricorn. This infuses our day with even MORE earth energy. So, those new and inventive ideas I mentioned above will graciously be grounded in logic and practicality. Go with the flow and allow yourself to think on a whole different level. After all, the planet Uranus is the higher octave of the planet Mercury (intellect, communication). 

Maximize This Energy

As I’ve mentioned in the past, the earth signs in tarot are connected to the suite of pentacles. So, let’s focus on one card in particular for this reading - the card I pulled for today happens to be the 8 of Pentacles. The scene depicts a man sitting on a bench, hard at work creating shiny, glorious new pentacles with a hammer. In front of him are the six pentacles (or coins) that he’s already fashioned. In his hands, obviously, is the one he’s working on, and on the ground beside him is the one that’s up next (so, 8 pentacles in total). 

This energy helps you master whatever it is that you’ve put your mind to, dear. Its themes are hard work, dedication, apprenticeship, skill, and mastery. With Uranus in Taurus behind us, we can truly dedicate our time to a new and exciting, worthwhile pursuit or cause. 

Go Deeper

Take note of how the element of earth manifests in your birth chart. Do you have an overabundance of earth, or are you lacking it? Or perhaps you have just the right amount. An overabundance can lead to a stubborn, inflexible nature. A lack of earth can make one feel very ungrounded, with their head perpetually in the skies. A healthy amount of earth means that you have a good head on your shoulders, and are able to reach your goals with grace and ease. Which one are you? What element do you work with the most?

Today’s Affirmation:

“I embrace the unconventional parts of myself and allow new and exciting ideas to navigate my life.”

Repeat this affirmation throughout the next week as the sun continues to be influenced by Uranus’s inspiring nature, dear.

Best wishes,

Your AstroTarot Guide