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July 1, 2022 - Your Daily Divine Guidance Reading

Hello! I hope your week went swimmingly, because today we have quite a difficult aspect to discuss.

Astrological Energy Shift: Mars square Pluto - July 1, 2022

Yep, a sticky square! Two powerhouses are clashing, and we’re feeling the repercussions of it. First, let’s discuss where fiery Mars is in the horoscope. Mars is in the later degrees of Aries, a place where it’s considered to be in domicile or, in layman’s terms, at home. Needless to say, it’s extremely powerful here and it’s packing quite a punch before it leaves its home turf to set sail in Taurus. 

Meanwhile, Pluto is still hanging out in Capricorn, where it will stay until late March 2023 (due to a retrograde and its super slow movement). Before it moves along into Aquarius, it’s making a few last-ditch waves. When the planet of death and rebirth is in the sign of the sea goat, it topples over institutions that we thought were tried and true. It helps us to make sure that what we’re building on is a sure and steady foundation.

When Mars and Pluto meet in a square, all heck breaks loose. We may be feeling like we’re out of control today, and tempers may be at an all-time high. In addition, we may be more interested in erotic subjects, including pornography. Just make sure that any physical ventures that you explore are safe for you. Ie, if you’re looking for new romance, make sure you take a wing man/woman with you for extra support. Explore the intentions of others earnestly at this time. Things may not be on the up and up.

Maximize This Energy

One of the cards that signifies Mars in Aries is the Two of Wands. The scene shows a man holding a holding a globe in his hands, standing before a rocky atmosphere atop a castle. This energy is one of making important decisions, focusing your energy on one particular endeavor, taking the road less traveled, and planning for your future. Taking this step can be scary, we know, but it’s necessary for your growth right now, [[firstname]]. 

Go Deeper

An interesting practice you can do is to find a crystal ball (it doesn’t have to be big, just any small orb will do) and take some time to gaze into it. Jot down what it is that you see. It may not make sense at first, but if you pause and truly breathe in what you’re looking at, things may become more clear. After all, this is a practice that’s been handed down for ages.

Today’s Affirmation:

“I am calm, patient, and decisive.”

Repeat this affirmation as the square continues (it ends on the ninth), [[firstname]]. Use all of this pent-up energy for the better good!

Best wishes,

Your AstroTarot Guide