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April 26, 2022 - Your Daily Divine Guidance Reading

Hi, and welcome to today’s AstroTarot forecast! Read on to find out what’s in store today…

Astrological Energy Shift: Mercury sextile Jupiter - April 26, 2022

Mercury is currently in the later degrees of Taurus, the sign that it’s been in since the 10th of this month. With the planet of communication here, we are more likely to think out our thoughts before voicing them. There is a more patient air overall to this placement than there was when Mercury was in the previous sign, Aries (who tends to be impatient and reckless). Our minds are more grounded here, and we feel more of an urge to work with our whole bodies. The main downside is that we tend to become more stubborn and unwilling to move with this placement.

Meanwhile, Jupiter is traipsing through Pisces, where it’s been stationed, off and on, since May of last year. Since Jupiter adds expansion to everything it touches, the themes of Pisces are highlighted. Namely, unwavering devotion, intuition, spirituality, and the subconscious. You must be aware of going too overboard when the planet of expansion is in this watery sign, however - addictions can run rampant if you don’t keep yourself in check, dear.

With this sextile, we enjoy fluid, light communication. We become curious little kitties, leaving no stone unturned. It’s natural to adopt a more carefree, wildly optimistic attitude at this time. In addition, our thirst for knowledge is ramped up - Jupiter is, after all, the ruling planet of worldly and philosophical Sagittarius. It’s a great time to explore new things.  

Maximize This Energy

One of the cards that Jupiter is connected to in the tarot is Temperance. This scene depicts an angel standing in a river, pouring water from one cup to another. The energy here is one of balance and moderation in all things. Jupiter likes to go overboard, so it’s key not to overindulge.

Go Deeper

Practicing patience will get you a long way with this current sextile between Mercury and Jupiter. Try not to rush ahead, as Jupiter is apt to do. You may feel like you’re thinking and talking a mile a minute, so be sure to use the Taurean energy to ground that energy out.

Today’s Affirmation:

“I always speak my truth.”

Chant this mantra whenever you feel like you’re unsure of where your mental energy is headed, dear. You can always use that earthy Mercury-in-Taurus energy to even things out!

Best wishes,

Your AstroTarot Guide