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April 29, 2022 - Your Daily Divine Guidance Reading

Hello, fellow astro lovers!

Although a lot is going on in the skies, we’re only focusing on one major astrological event today…

Astrological Energy Shift: Pluto retrograde - April 29, 2022

All planets go retrograde at some point or another, and today it’s Pluto’s turn! Just as Pluto almost made it into Aquarius, it’s doing an about-face and heading back into the earthy territory of Capricorn. It’s been in this sign since 2008, so the energy here is nothing new for us. But as a reminder, Pluto in Cap topples old foundations and traditions, burns away the old to make way for the new, and inspires us to put some elbow grease into our career-based pursuits.

The last time Pluto went retrograde was April to October 2021. Just a little known fact - Pluto spends about 40% of its time in “backwards” motion! We get hit with it every year, for nearly half a year at a time. And, although the planet doesn’t move very many degrees, its effects are strong.

Pluto in retro is a turning point - a fresh start. Although the moments leading up to it often feel like growing pains, this turning of the tide is necessary for our growth and renewal. If there was ever a prime time to face your shadow side, this would be it. Are you power-hungry? Do you bulldoze over anyone who gets in your way? Remember that you can be strong without being overbearing. Learn to coexist in harmony; this is true always, but especially at this time, dear.

Maximize This Energy

The card that aligns with Plutonic energy is The Judgment card. This fleshes out a somewhat odd scene, showing an angel in the sky above blowing on a horn, and people emerging from graves down below. Although this scene sounds grim, it gives us some hope. It is here that we get out of the doldrums and accept our rebirth. After all, there is no denying it! Give in to the swift changes and enjoy seeing the hidden influences in your life come to the surface. 

Go Deeper

Where can you use a major shift or rebirth in your life right now? Notice the sides of yourself that you tend to hide in the shadows. How can you bring them to light, and either embrace or release them? I’m not saying it will be easy, but trust Pluto to help you make strong and lasting decisions.  

Today’s Affirmation:

“I explore my subconscious and usher in new growth.”

This is a good affirmation to use yearly, whenever Pluto goes into retrograde, dear. You will survive and thrive!

Best wishes,

Your AstroTarot Guide