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Horoscope Forecast

January 22, 2022 - Your Daily Divine Guidance Reading

Hello, dears! Well, it’s official - we can’t stop talking about the moon lately. That’s because it’s doing so much in the skies above! Today we have a lunar square, a few trines, and a movement into a new sign. Let’s explore...  Astrological Energy Shift: Moon in Libra trine Sun - January 22, 2022 First, […]

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January 17, 2022 - Your Daily Divine Guidance Reading

Happy full moon, lovely souls! It’s about that time - a period of harvest and gratitude. The full moon urges us to take stock of everything we “planted” at the new moon time, and be grateful for the fruits of our labor. Astrological Energy Shift: Full Moon in Cancer - January 17, 2022 The moon […]

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January 14, 2022 - Your Daily Divine Guidance Reading

Hello, dear ones! It’s about that time again - time for good ‘ol Mercury to go into retrograde. What does it mean this time? Read on to find out what’s in store for you... Astrological Energy Shift: Mercury retrograde in Aquarius + Capricorn - January 14, 2022 - February 3, 2022 I know it feels […]

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January 10, 2022 - Your Daily Divine Guidance Reading

Hello, and welcome to another divine guidance reading! We love discussing the moon, since it’s always making an aspect of some kind in the skies. So, without further ado... Astrological Energy Shift: Moon sextile Jupiter - January 10, 2022  As of 7:51am Pacific, the moon moved out of Aries and entered the sign of Taurus. […]

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January 5, 2022 - Your Daily Divine Guidance Reading

Hello, dear souls… I hope you’ve recovered from the holidays! Hopefully we can put all of the craziness of the past two years behind us and look towards a brighter future now that we’re around the bend.  Astrological Energy Shift: Venus sextile Neptune - January 5, 2022 - January 17, 2022 Today I bring you […]

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January 1, 2022 - Your Daily Divine Guidance Reading

Hello, and Happy New Year!  I hope this message finds you well, and ready to embrace a whole new cycle. It’s been a pleasure guiding you through the tumultuous 2021, and I’m looking forward to offering you AstroTarot insights throughout this new year! Astrological Energy Shift: Sun trine Uranus - January 1, 2022 - January […]

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HOROSCOPE FORECAST: Your Horoscope Forecast For November 21, 2020 Is Ready

When it comes to love, everyone wants something that’s much deeper than surface level and profoundly passionate. A love story that’s for the books… Well, now that Venus has moved into Scorpio, you might find yourself obsessing over your partner or just possibly obsessing over finally getting into a relationship that defies all superficial norms. […]

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HOROSCOPE FORECAST: Your Horoscope Forecast For October 16, 2020 Is Ready

Many of my friends and family have been trying to balance their lives mainly by finding time for themselves while still making time for others. Have you been feeling the need to find this balance? If so, it’s probably because there’s a New Moon in Libra tonight! Astrological Energy Shift: New Moon in Libra October […]

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HOROSCOPE FORECAST: Your Horoscope Forecast For October 22, 2020 Is Ready

I’m not just reaching out to you to celebrate the upcoming holidays, I wanted to also celebrate the latest cosmic transit taking place -- the Sun shifting into Scorpio! Get ready… the energy is about to get intense. Astrological Energy Shift: Sun in Scorpio October 22, 2020 - November 21, 2020 Did you know that […]

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HOROSCOPE FORECAST: Your Horoscope Forecast For October 27, 2020 Is Ready

How many times has Mercury retrograde crashed your wifi this month? Hopefully, you’ve been having a much easier time with Mercury Retrograde than most -- if not, it might get a little easier as Mercury transits into Libra. The intensity might just lift a little as Mercury moves into much more charismatic cosmic energy. Astrological […]

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HOROSCOPE FORECAST: Your Horoscope Forecast For October 31, 2020 Is Ready

I just have two quick questions for you: What did you manifest during the New Moon in Libra on October 16th? What are you ready to release with tonight’s Full Moon in Taurus? Astrological Energy Shift: Full Moon in Taurus October 31, 2020 It’s super important to pay attention to the Moon’s cycles. Why? Well, […]

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HOROSCOPE FORECAST: Your Horoscope Forecast For November 03, 2020 Is Ready

I just wanted to quickly congratulate you on making it through yet another Mercury Retrograde! Yes, the wait is over… Now, we can get back to expressing ourselves confidently and clearing the fogginess from our minds now that Mercury has gone direct in Libra. Astrological Energy Shift: Mercury Turns Direct in Libra November 3, 2020 […]

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HOROSCOPE FORECAST: Your Horoscope Forecast For November 10, 2020 Is Ready

It’s only right that we maintain a strong line of communication with all of these Mercury transits, right? Yes, I’m back with another update on Mercury… this time it’s moved into deep-diving Scorpio. Just thank your lucky stars that it's not in retrograde this time around -- I know I am! Astrological Energy Shift: Mercury […]

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HOROSCOPE FORECAST: Your Horoscope Forecast For November 13, 2020 Is Ready

Have you felt that surge of energy pick up today? After so many slow-moving months, Mars has finally ended it’s Retrograde cycle in Aries! This means the planet that fuels your passion and aggression towards projects is now moving in a forward direction, propelling your ideas forward with actionable masculine energy. Astrological Energy Shift: Mars […]

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HOROSCOPE FORECAST: Your Horoscope Forecast For November 15, 2020 Is Ready

Don’t you just love when you feel totally and completely in harmony with the Universe? Tonight marks a special night -- a New Moon in Scorpio -- that brings together the energies of Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, and of course the Moon with an emphasis on the positive aspects of Scorpio energy. Astrological Energy Shift: New […]

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HOROSCOPE FORECAST: Your Horoscope Forecast For September 05, 2020 Is Ready

There’s no doubt in my mind that Mercury’s cosmic shift into Libra will be connecting you with your soul family today. This energy is much more inviting -- charisma is in the air! Astrological Energy Shift: Mercury in Libra September 5 - September 27, 2020 In a time where distancing yourself from others could be […]

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HOROSCOPE FORECAST: Your Horoscope Forecast For October 13, 2020 Is Ready

Have you been feeling a little nervous lately? Many people do when Mercury enters it’s retrograde season. I’m here to reassure you that there’s nothing to fear now because Mercury is Retrograding in Scorpio -- meaning this will be one of the most direct retrogrades of the year! Astrological Energy Shift: Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio […]

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HOROSCOPE FORECAST: Your Horoscope Forecast For October 06, 2020 Is Ready are probably going to be so excited to hear this: PLUTO IS FINALLY DIRECT IN CAPRICORN! No seriously -- this retrograde season has been so intense, deeply transformational, and revealing. Although totally necessary, the energy was heavy. But you made it through! Astrological Energy Shift: Pluto Turns Direct in Capricorn Pluto now turns direct […]

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HOROSCOPE FORECAST: Your Horoscope Forecast For October 02, 2020 Is Ready

Libra season has had us all flying around being a bunch of social butterflies, but have you had any one on one time with your loved ones? If not, today would be a good day to ask your closest friends, family, or partner what you can do for them. Venus in Virgo asks you to […]

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HOROSCOPE FORECAST: Your Horoscope Forecast For October 01, 2020 Is Ready

I hope this message reaches you in a moment of solitude. It’s important (especially now) that you actually take time for yourself and enjoy the information that I’m going to share with you. With Full Moon in Aries energy present, solo time is a must! Astrological Energy Shift: Full Moon in Aries It’s been a […]

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HOROSCOPE FORECAST: Your Horoscope Forecast For September 29, 2020 Is Ready

The wait is over -- Saturn turned retrograde on May 11, 2020 in Aquarius and is now finally direct today September 29, 2020 at 1:11 am EDT! (Gotta love that angel number in there!) It’s been a long time coming as with traditional Saturn lessons, practice makes perfect. Astrological Energy Shift: Saturn Direct In Its […]

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HOROSCOPE FORECAST: Your Horoscope Forecast For September 27, 2020 Is Ready

Now I know that your Scorpio senses might be tingling reading this quick email from me, but I have some exciting news to share with you: Mercury has moved into Scorpio! Astrological Energy Shift: Mercury in Scorpio September 27, 2020 - October 27, 2020 You might be wondering, “How does she know that…” It’s natural […]

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HOROSCOPE FORECAST: Your Horoscope Forecast For September 22, 2020 Is Ready

Now that the Sun has moved into the charismatic sign of Libra, you’ll be more inclined to socialize and meet new people (as much as we can nowadays). Everyone that you meet is a reflection of you at this time, so keep your eyes and ears open! Astrological Energy Shift: Sun in Libra September 22, […]

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HOROSCOPE FORECAST: Your Horoscope Forecast For September 17, 2020 Is Ready

Having a hard time sleeping? It’s always difficult to sleep when the energy of the New Moon in Virgo is present. If your mind is working overtime, this is normal. This New Moon is aligning with the intentional Virgo season! Astrological Energy Shift: New Moon in Virgo When moon phases align with where the Sun […]

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