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January 14, 2022 - Your Daily Divine Guidance Reading

Hello, dear ones!

It’s about that time again - time for good ‘ol Mercury to go into retrograde. What does it mean this time? Read on to find out what’s in store for you...

Astrological Energy Shift: Mercury retrograde in Aquarius + Capricorn - January 14, 2022 - February 3, 2022

I know it feels like we just had a Mercury retrograde, but this is because the planet goes retro three to four times a year! The last time Mercury did the backwards swim was in late September 2021. That was when it was moving through the sign of Libra, which put an emphasis on how we communicate in our close, intimate relationships. The downside of this transit was the typical inability to make decisions under Libra’s influence, plus a whole lot of procrastination and avoidance of anything unpleasant.

Currently, Mercury has been hanging out in the sign of Aquarius, where it’s been since January 2nd. The 11th sign is the place of nonconformity, unconventional ideas, revolution, and humanitarian efforts. When communicator Mercury is here, we’re more likely to join groups and larger organizations to support important causes, expressing our deep-felt desires to the masses. In addition, Mercury’s air influence matches Aquarius’s air element, adding to the intellectual stimulation that’s been going on in all of us collectively. 

All of that being said, it’s important to note that the thinker planet is going so far back (from our perspective here on earth) during this retrograde that it’s dipping into the later degrees of Capricorn. It enters Capricorn on January 25th and doesn’t come back up for air until February 14th. You’re more likely to be laser-focused on your career at this time, dear. But remember, since a retrograde isn’t necessarily a positive transit, you’ll find that some things may go awry in this department. Memos may get lost, there may be some misunderstandings, and communication in general may be wonky at work. It’s a good idea to take this time (starting January 25th) to focus on doing the inner work so that your efforts will shine through to your external world. 

Keep in mind that all retrogrades have a shadow that accompanies them. Meaning, we feel the retrograde a couple of weeks before it goes retrograde AND a couple of weeks after it stations direct. So, be prepared to feel its influence for quite a while before and after. 

Maximize This Energy

One of the tarot cards that’s connected to Mercury retrograde in particular is the Page of Swords. (Remember that the swords in tarot represent the air element, which is what Mercury vibes with.) It illustrates a young man standing tall, holding a sword in his hands and looking off into the horizon. 

Upright, this card signifies communication (of course), new ideas, and planning. But, since a retrograde is involved here, let’s go ahead and explore the reversed energy. Namely, pulling the trigger before you’re ready to go, moving too quickly or, worst case scenario, not taking any action at all. You may be more private at this time, dear, and it’s okay to honor that. Recognize this time as one to rest on your laurels a bit before taking any consecrated action. Put the sword down for now and work on your inner self.

Go Deeper

We like to think of the retrograde period as an opportunity to explore the “RE”s. Namely, RE-flection, RE-generation, RE-configuration, RE-assessment. It’s the perfect time to grab a journal, find a quiet place, and jot down what these “RE” themes mean to you. Remember to keep the themes of Aquarius and Capricorn in mind, as mentioned above. You may also like to talk out some of your issues with a close friend. Just remember that communication in general is off kilter at the moment, so take some time with your words.

Today’s Affirmation:

“I am careful in my communication. I take the time to reassess my life and plan for the best outcome possible.”

Chant this affirmation during the following weeks while Mercury is in retrograde and flowing through its shadow period, dear. Much luck to you this time around!

Best wishes,

Your AstroTarot Guide