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January 5, 2022 - Your Daily Divine Guidance Reading

Hello, dear souls…

I hope you’ve recovered from the holidays! Hopefully we can put all of the craziness of the past two years behind us and look towards a brighter future now that we’re around the bend. 

Astrological Energy Shift: Venus sextile Neptune - January 5, 2022 - January 17, 2022

Today I bring you another easy aspect, which is none other than the planet of love, beauty, and pleasure - Venus - sextile the planet of dreams, the subconscious, and compassion - Neptune. A sextile (as you may know by now if you’ve been paying attention to these AstroTarot readings) is a 60 degree aspect that is generally very fluid and positive. 

Unlike the trine, which involves an aspect between two matching elements, the sextile involves an aspect between two different-but-compatible elements. In this case, we have Venus in Capricorn (earth) and Neptune in Pisces (water). You may find that your imagination is running wild during this time, but in a good way. It’s not uncommon to daydream about our love lives under this transit, just be sure you don’t go so deep with it that you can’t accept reality! 

Venus has been in retrograde since the 19th of December 2021, meaning issues revolving around our personal relationships are being held closer to our hearts. You may find that an old flame will enter your life at this time, or you may come back into contact with “the one who got away,” dear. It’s wise to keep things light right now, and don’t expect to enter into any long-term relationship while Venus is doing the backwards swim.

When Venus is in Capricorn, where she’s been since early November, we can expect our values to deepen and become more serious to us. In addition, it’s prime time to take a look at your finances and make sure all of your ducks are in a row, dear, as we enter this new year. 

On the other side of the sextile, we have Neptune in Pisces. This is a prime location for the planet to express itself, as it’s considered to be “in domicile” (at home) in this sign. It’s been here for so long, however, that we’re pretty used to this placement at this point. This placement only occurs once approximately every 165 years, so take full advantage! Feel free to dream, dig deep into your subconscious, and dedicate yourself to a pursuit in the spiritual arena.      

Maximize This Energy

Since we’re in Capricorn season, there’s no better time to delve into its meaning in the tarot! One of the cards that represents the energy of Capricorn is the Three of Pentacles. This scene shows a young man carving an intricate, pentacle-based design into the walls of a cathedral. Below him are two advisors holding out what appears to be the plans for the renovation.

This is the energy of working together for the greater good. Consider how you collaborate with others. Are you a team player, or are you more like Capricorn - ready to trample whoever is in front of you to get ahead? Be sure that you’re listening to those who are wiser than you, and that you’re allowing for some wiggle room in the plans, dear.

Go Deeper

Where would earth be without nourishing water? And where would water be without its purpose to quench the earth? These are things to ponder under this earth-water sextile. Consider your own chart, taking note of how the elements work together for the whole. How can you become more balanced here, using all of the elements to their full advantage? 

Today’s Affirmation:

“My relationships are easy and fulfilling. I dream my desires into existence.”

Use this affirmation daily, especially while Venus is still in retrograde, dear. (We’re in the retrograde shadow throughout the first couple of weeks of February.)

Best wishes,

Your AstroTarot Guide