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June 14, 2022 - Your Daily Divine Guidance Reading

Hello, and happy full moon!

Yep, it’s about that time again. The time when the moon stations opposite the sun. Read on to find out where this shift is occurring and how it’s affecting you

Astrological Energy Shift: Full moon in Sagittarius - June 14, 2022

The moon reached peak fullness at 4:51am Pacific, so some of us may not have seen it. But, we are certainly feeling it on a collective level! This time around, it’s in the sign of Sagittarius, the archer. With the moon here, we’re more likely to be more adventurous, philosophical, fiery, and inquisitive. It leaves no stone unturned to find the answers it’s seeking (and, let me tell you, there are plenty). 

Since this is a full moon day, we know that the sun is in the opposite sign. Namely, Gemini. The sign of the twins is actually very similar to the archer in that it’s constantly searching for enlightenment, facts, and information to help it on its journey. Gemini is always asking why, always searching for meaning, and Sag takes it to a whole new level by getting much, much deeper with the meaning. So, while Gemini may have its nose in a dictionary or thesaurus, its opposite sign is more likely to study books of a more philosophical, soul-searching nature.

However, this energy is a bit short-lived, as later on today the moon moves swiftly into the next sign, Capricorn. This is where we put the books away, [[firstname]], and do some actual, physical work; working with the body more than the mind. This grounded energy may feel pretty welcome considering all of the brain energy we’ve been using.

Maximize This Energy

One of the cards that exudes this full moon’s energy is Temperance. It depicts a celestial being pouring water from one chalice to another. Patience is key here, and the angel is in no hurry to fill the other cup. Gathering knowledge takes time, after all, so make sure that you’re not rushing things.

Go Deeper

As you probably ascertained by now, we’re going to suggest that you pick up a good book (or two) today! Remember, Gemini craves facts and quick info, while Sagittarius waxes philosophical. It may be a good idea to meet in the middle and find a good autobiography of your favorite guru or spiritual leader. You may also feel the urge to watch some informative television, like documentaries.

Today’s Affirmation:

“As I expand my mind, I expand my world.”

Use this affirmation as the moon flies through Sagittarius, [[firstname]]! And remember to keep an inquisitive mind today.

Best wishes,

Your AstroTarot Guide