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June 4, 2022 - Your Daily Divine Guidance Reading

Hello, and happy Saturday!

Today we’re not discussing any major conjunctions, squares, trines, or sextiles that are going on in the skies, we’re instead talking about Saturn moving into (dun dun dun) retrograde motion. Read on to find out what this means for you…

Astrological Energy Shift: Saturn retrograde - June 4, 2022

Just as Mercury begins to station direct (and what a doozy that retro was), we have Saturn to deal with now. When Saturn is in Aquarius, its strength is tenfold since this planet is the archaic ruler of the sign. Anything that is not built on a steady foundation is likely to topple over during this transit. And, when Saturn is moving backwards through Aquarius from our perspective here on earth, it’s like a bulldozer shifting in reverse, making sure it left no stone unflattened. 

Keep in mind that Saturn is retrograde for roughly 4.5 months during the year, so this isn’t necessarily an energy that we’re unfamiliar with. So, we must always look toward the sign it’s in to determine what we need to learn this time around.

One major aspect of Saturn retrograde in Aqua is networking. This is a good time to find people within your inner circle that can help you make major goals happen. As is the Aquarius way, you may find yourself cool and detached, so try to make sure that you’re not alienating yourself at this time, [[firstname]]. Group efforts feel great right now.

Maximize This Energy

One of the tarot cards that relates closely to Saturn in Aquarius is The Hermit. This card depicts and elderly man walking through the darkness with a lantern held high. When this card shows up, it’s high time to take a break from the monkey chatter in your head and do some solo soul-searching. Even though Saturn in Aqua is about connecting with others for the greater good, it’s very important to refill your well by spending some quiet time alone.

Go Deeper

Responsibilities are high on the list right now, so keep in mind what you have to do and when you have to do it. It wouldn’t hurt to make a list that’s numbered in order of priority to make sure everything gets done while Saturn does the backstroke in Aquarius. You may feel a bit rebellious right now, but rest assured that if you follow the rules you’ll reap the benefits.

Today’s Affirmation:

“I work diligently to help the greater good.”

This no-nonsense approach to the next few months will serve you (and those you connect with) well, [[firstname]]!

Best wishes,

Your AstroTarot Guide