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May 19, 2022 - Your Daily Divine Guidance Reading

The moon is doing all sorts of things up in the skies today as it swiftly moves through the sign of Capricorn. When it’s in the sign of the seagoat, it takes on a more practical air (especially exiting the previous sign, fiery and spontaneous Sagittarius). We’re more likely to be career-minded at this time, focused on our career lives. This is not the time to be footloose and fancy-free. A Capricorn moon is a very serious one, urging us to keep our noses to the grindstone. In addition, the luminary here offers us a healthy dollop of patience, which perfectly goes hand-in-hand with getting our projects off the ground in a practical way.

The planet Uranus is four signs away in Taurus, where it’s been holding down the fort since 2018 and will remain until early 2026. Uranus happens to be in fall here, which means its energy isn’t reaching its full potential. This is partially because Uranus is an ever-changing, electric, nonconforming planet, while Taurus is more sure and steady. Nevertheless, we are seeing themes of Uranus play out while it’s in the sign of the bull, regardless of its current strength. We’re seeing a strong focus on toppling over weak and outdated structures, going against the norm, and marching to the beat of a different drum.

So today, in the wee hours of the morning, the moon makes a quick trine to Uranus during its trek through Capricorn. Little surprises are in the air, and it’s likely that you’ll feel jolted from your usual routine (in a good way), dear. In addition, your intuition and emotions may be on high alert right now, what with electric Uranus influencing them. 

Maximize This Energy

In some tarot circles, the card that matches up with Uranus is considered to be The Tower. Now, if you know your cards, it’s likely that you’re cringing right now! This ominous card depicts a burning tower with people falling to the ground. However, it’s all about necessary shakeups. Where in your life are you needing some change and growth? Consider this in terms of your emotions, since this is the domain that the moon rules.

Go Deeper

The best advice we can give you is to go with the flow today. As mentioned before, some little surprises may pop up so don’t be, well, too surprised when they do! Accept things at face value, but don’t be afraid to take a different turn in a situation. Some ingenuity may be needed on your part at this time.

Today’s Affirmation:

“I initiate real and effective changes in my life.”

Since moon transits are so quick, you may not catch it when it’s happening exact, dear. That’s okay! It’s still a good idea to chant this powerful affirmation today.

Best wishes,

Your AstroTarot Guide