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Numerology Readings

Your Personal Numerology Reading: Five of Wands

Looks like a bit of personal growth is on the horizon for you, but it might not be easy... The Five of Wands card is calling you to focus on self-improvement through any challenges you find coming up during conflicts with others. This card shows five wands being held by five men regarding some type […]

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Your Personal Numerology Reading: Queen of Swords

Not sure if you’ve been too caught up in your emotions recently, but that may be the case since the Queen of Swords card showed up for you today. This powerful card is connected to the number 52 which is related to introspection and being inquisitive. When you look at this card, you see an […]

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Your Personal Numerology Reading: Ten of Cups

Your much-deserved blessings are finally here! When you look at the Ten of Cups card, you’ll see 10 cups in an arc shape, symbolizing abundant blessings from the divine. The rainbow in the background indicates that challenging times and sadness are in the past and a beautiful new life is beginning. I am so happy […]

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Your Personal Numerology Reading: Ace of Pentacles

Time for a new beginning! The Ace of Pentacles card appeared with a message for you this morning. When you look at this card you will see a mystical hand holding a pentacle (coin) emerging from some clouds. In the tarot, aces are the equivalent to New Moons in astrology - a time of new […]

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Your Personal Numerology Reading: Four of Wands

Are you ready for some happiness in your life now (finally, right)? Great news for you... the Four of Wands card showed up for you today with a message of celebration. The suit of wands is associated with passion, motivation, and energy. It shows a happy couple dancing during the celebration of fulfillment of a […]

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Your Personal Numerology Reading: Seven of Swords

I keep seeing the Seven of Swords card when I think about you. It shows a man walking away, trying to be sneaky and deceptive. This means that you or someone you know is trying to get away with being deceitful, but is not being successful. Or there might be somewhere you are trying to […]

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Your Personal Numerology Reading: Eight of Cups

As I was having a channeling session with my angel guides, I kept seeing the Eight of Cups card swirling around in your energy field. And this is fantastic news for you because it means you are in a time of transition in your life. In this card, a cloaked figure is walking away from […]

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Your Personal Numerology Reading: the Hanging Man

The number twelve is showing up for you today is a message that it’s time to pause and reflect. A time to pull back and observe. You are being guided through repetitive messages from the Universe that it’s your time to slow down and even pick up that meditation practice again if you’ve let your […]

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Your Personal Numerology Reading: the World

Oh what an extraordinary time in your life! Today the number twenty-one is showing up in your reading and it’s a time to honor and acknowledge all the hard work and heart work you’ve completed on your journey! The Universe knows it wasn’t easy, and has been with you every step of the way. In […]

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Your Personal Numerology Reading: Two of Swords

Today when I was channeling energy, I thought about you, and the Two of Swords card showed up. It’s a sign you might be dealing with some level of mental conflict in your life right now. Are you in the position of making a choice or decision between two things right now? Are your thoughts […]

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Your Personal Numerology Reading: Death

Wow today’s reading is a very powerful number card for you! The number thirteen is indeed a powerfully special one, in fact it’s one of the only numbers that has its very own phobia (triskaidekaphobia - fear of the number thirteen ) attached to it! Not that I make light of any phobia, but long […]

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Your Personal Numerology Reading: v

There are some readings I am so excited to share with you that I feel like I might just burst with happiness! Today the Three of Cups appeared for you, and it is a sign of joyful celebration! The Three of Cups often represents a group of people coming together to focus on achieving a […]

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Your Personal Numerology Reading: Ace of Cups

Right now you are being shown that it’s time to reignite what inspires you and fills your soul with passion! You are blooming and awakening! The Ace of Cups showed up in your reading today and, oh boy, it’s a great time to revitalize your heart energy with what excites you! With that in mind, […]

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Your Personal Numerology Reading: angel number 111

You were on my mind when I woke up today. I kept noticing the angel number 111 everywhere I went the past few days. And when I woke up, I felt called to do an angel number reading for you. When you see the same repeating numbers everywhere, your angels are trying to send you […]

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Your Personal Numerology Reading: Queen of Pentacles

Well, aren’t you in a space of abundance right now! I was sitting down to do a reading for you and as I spread the cards out, the Queen of Pentacles flipped over on her own! My jaw literally dropped! The Queen of Pentacles is the nurturing mother of the material world, and full of […]

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Your Personal Numerology Reading: Six of Wands

You are about to get some good news! Today the Six of Wands card showed up in my reading for you and it made me so happy to see it after all the hard work and massive dedication you’ve shown to your goals. This card is about victory and success and the Six of Wands […]

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Your Personal Numerology Reading: Knight of Pentacles

I was thinking about you today and the Knight of Pentacles fell on the floor from my tarot deck. I knew it was a message for you, and I wanted to let you know that your work and dedication to your goals is exactly what is needed right now! You are nailing it! In fact, […]

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Your Personal Numerology Reading: Ten of Swords

Have you been feeling like there is a relationship or situation you’re in that needs to end? Today’s card is to let you know the time has come to clear up your own energy field from challenging or difficult people and situations. And don’t worry, the divine has your back! The Ten of Swords showed […]

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Your Personal Numerology Reading: Nine of Wands

when I was meditating today I was clearly shown the Nine of Wands coming up for you. The Nine of Wands speaks of attainment, resilience, accumulation, experience, and completion. It can also indicate your mind has been creating challenges where there are none. Are you finally ready to release any negativity in your thinking and […]

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Your Personal Numerology Reading: Page of Swords

The Page of Swords has messages for you today! Depicted as a young person, this card is always associated with news, information, and messages. In the tarot, this card represents curiosity, knowledge, and communication. If you have an idea (or several) you’ve been waiting to act upon until the “right time”, this card is depicting […]

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Your Personal Numerology Reading: Nine of Pentacles

I love it when the Nine of Pentacles shows up for someone in a reading and today that’s your card! You’ve been hard at work putting your talents to good use and now it’s time to sit back and enjoy your efforts. You did this - you created this exact moment to reap your rewards! […]

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Your Personal Numerology Reading: 777

Congratulations - The number 777 keeps appearing when I’m meditating about you and that is a cause for celebration! When the number 777 appears it means all your hard work and the wisdom you’ve gained through your lessons has come to fruition! Sometimes when we’re facing challenges or obstacles, we don’t realize the skills we’re […]

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Your Personal Numerology Reading: 555

Oh wow, the energy is flowing in your favor right now! When I tap into your auric field, I see the number 555 showing up over and over and it’s a sign that major things are happening for you right now. The number 555 signifies a time of significant changes and opportunity for you. Have […]

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Your Personal Numerology Reading: 444

Are you feeling it? I keep seeing the number 444 floating around in your aura lately which means the angels are surrounding you! Do you feel the connection? It’s time to start taking note and noticing the little and big ways you’re finding support around you. Do you feel calm even when things around you […]

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