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Tarot Readings

Your Tarot Reading: Lovers

Today’s message for you is that any imbalances you’ve been feeling are changing now! When The Lovers show up in a reading, it’s not always about romantic relationships but can also be a sign of harmony, alignment, passion in life, and positive healthy relationships in all areas of your life. The Lovers card is also […]

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Your Tarot Reading: 10 of Cups

This reading is giving me chills -- you’re in alignment like never before! I can tell that you’ve been doing “the work.” You know, rising nice and early and dedicating time to connect with yourself... Gratitude journals, personal development books, better health and wellness… I can feel it radiating from your aura! Not only am […]

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Your Tarot Reading: Page of Pentacles

Have you been having dreams of your bank account growing overnight? It wouldn’t surprise me if you have because your spirit guides, angels, and ancestors want you to know that you have a new financial opportunity approaching! When the Page of Pentacles card shows up in a reading, it brings earthly energy to the forefront. […]

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Your Tarot Reading: 2 of Wands

Even though you’re ready to get up and go, right now is NOT the time to make a big decision. Rather, this is the time to plan for the big decision that you’re going to have to make very soon. I know, it’s like you’ve got ants in your pants at this point -- but […]

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Your Tarot Reading: Ace of Cups

I can feel love in the air! And this isn’t just any regular kind of love, this is a divine connection to The Universe, an opening of the heart chakra like never before, and intuitive gifts peaking! When the Ace of Cups card shows up in a reading, it means that you’re literally going to […]

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Your Tarot Reading: 8 of Swords

You have got to get out of your own way! When the 8 of swords card shows up in a reading, it means that you could potentially be blocking your blessings. You are being reminded of the power of your mind -- it can be used to create your beautiful reality or a world full […]

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Your Tarot Reading: Ace of Swords

Get ready for a breakthrough! When I was gathering the energy to do a reading for you I could sense that you’ve been feeling plagued by mental fatigue and fogginess. You’re facing unprecedented times and fear of the unknown seemed to be draining your energy from you. Not only do your spirit guides and angels […]

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Your Tarot Reading: 6 of Cups

Your spirit guides, angels, and ancestors want you to know that your past isn’t full of all bad memories. Many of us prefer to block out our past because our trauma resides there in those old memories. If you haven’t reprogrammed yourself to find the positivity in every situation, it can be really difficult to […]

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Your Tarot Reading: 3 of Cups

I have a good feeling that you’re going to be making great connections very soon! Did you know that there are huge shifts going on up in the cosmos that are directly affecting the collective’s energy? Not only are these energetic shifts affecting the world around us all, but they are also directly effecting you, […]

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Your Tarot Reading: 7 of Swords

I need to tell you this before it’s too late… Integrity is the best spiritual protection. If you’ve been having some not-so-good thoughts cross your mind lately, your spirit guides, angels, and ancestors want you to know that nothing good will come out of trying to take shortcuts. When the 7 of Swords card shows […]

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Your Tarot Reading: 4 of Wands

It might just be time for you to throw a party! When the 4 of Wands card shows up in a reading, it means that bliss is making its way into your life now that you’ve accomplished a long-awaited goal. After months and months of trial and error, guessing and checking, and collaboration, you’re finally […]

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Your Tarot Reading: Devil - SHADOW in my deck

It’s time to do some inner work! Today in your tarot spread the traditional Devil card showed up and I’d like to give it more of a modern connotation of Temptation. If you’ve ever heard of “shadow work,” now is the time to look deeply into yourself and your psyche to bring to light anything […]

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Your Tarot Reading: Sun

Right now you are shining like the Sun! The tarot card showing up in your field today is all about success, radiance, and positivity. It is The Sun. When the Sun shows up it is time for you to step into warmth, light, and fun in your life. Have you been feeling the need to […]

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Your Tarot Reading: Judgement - Truth

It’s time for the truth of who you are to come forward! Can you feel it? During the times in our lives when we are struggling with self-doubt, it eeks over into every area of our lives. We start to criticize ourselves no matter what we do. I’m here to let you know the Judgement […]

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Your Tarot Reading: Tower - Disruption

When The Tower card shows up in a reading it usually means a disruption is going to take place, but not for you! This is a sign for you that it’s time to start putting all the pieces of the puzzle together in new and wonderful ways! Right now, you are being assured you’ve learned […]

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Your Tarot Reading: The World

Congratulations! The world is your oyster right now! The World card appears in a tarot reading as a sign you have moved to a new, well-deserved level of accomplishment in your journey. Right now, you are being invited to reflect on your journey so far and acknowledge the lessons and opportunities you experienced on the […]

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Your Tarot Reading: The Moon

If you’ve been feeling anxious or notice more fear-based thinking showing up for you, it’s time to release it! The Moon card in tarot represents all we keep hidden, even from ourselves. And in this context what the Moon is asking from you is to bring it to the light to let it go! Right […]

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Your Tarot Reading: The Emperor - Authority

It’s time for others in your circle to hear your wisdom. Have you been feeling it? Have you felt as if there is something you want to share and it wants to come forth? You’ve spent many cycles learning and gaining insight and are now being called by The Emperor in your tarot reading to […]

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Your Tarot Reading: The Hierophant

I don’t know about you, but I love all my little rituals because they help me keep myself sane! From my morning coffee routine, to my exercise habits, to my journaling at night, and doing special moon rituals... these seemingly small routines keep me connected and centered no matter what’s happening around me. You are […]

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Your Tarot Reading: The Magician

I had a dream last night that I was doing a tarot reading for you! It was such a cool dream… You were asking me for guidance about your life goals. And I drew a card for you in the dream. And after I shared the meaning with you, you told me that it was […]

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Your Tarot Reading: The Empress

This is an exciting time for you! When The Empress card shows up in a reading, it means any creative blocks you’ve been feeling are releasing and it’s time to enjoy the beauty and abundance around you. You are being freed up to access your own inner power! By allowing the Universe to help you […]

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Your Tarot Reading: Star - Light

It is time for you to be in the light! Can you feel it? The Star card showed up in my reading for you today, and with it comes a sense of knowing you are truly blessed by the Universe. It’s time to renew your hope and faith in not only yourself, but in the […]

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Your Tarot Reading: Temperance - Patience

Have you felt recently like it might be time for a detox? Or balancing? Doing a tarot read on your energy, the Temperance card came out front and center and it’s usually a sign you might be out of balance in one or more areas. Does that resonate with you? If so, the Temperance card […]

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Your Tarot Reading: The Hanged Man

When I was thinking about you today and shuffling the cards The Hanged Man went flying out of the deck and across the room! When The Hanged Man shows up in a reading, it’s a sign to look at things with a new perspective as he’s hanging upside down in a tree with what appears […]

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